

KouShare 蔻享学术 2022-10-15





报告一:From metallomics/ metalloproteomics to drug design: metallodrug against COVID-19 and antimicrobial resistance

时间:2022年7月15日 9:00-10:00

孙红哲 教授(香港大学)

报告二:Controllable activation and delivery of platinum anticancer prodrugs

时间: 2022年7月15日 10:00-11:00

朱光宇  副教授(香港城市大学)







个人简历:孙红哲现任香港大学化学系讲座教授、叶志成-范港喜基金教授(生物无机化学)。其研究方向广泛涉及无机化学和生物医药的前沿领域,搭建了领先的金属组学和金属蛋白质组学整合技术平台,并成功地将其应用于生物医学研究,特别是对复杂生物基质中金属药物、金属与生物大分子的结合、转运、代谢、效应进行了深入细致地研究。并以此为工具研究了金属类药物抑制耐药性细菌、病毒及其它微生物的分子机理。孙教授在各种化学及生物化学杂志上发表了逾200篇学术论文(Nature-X, ACIE, JACS, PNAS)。编纂出版了“Biological chemistry of arsenic, antimony and bismuth”一书 (John-Wiley出版社, 2011)。他还担当 “Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (JBIC)”编辑 ,英国皇家化学会(RSC) “金属生物学(Metallobiology)”丛书编辑及若干学术杂志编辑委员会成员。

报告题目From metallomics/ metalloproteomics to drug design: metallodrug against COVID-19 and antimicrobial resistance

报告摘要:Metallomics and metalloproteomics are an emerging scientific area focusing on the molecular mechanisms of metal-dependent life processes and the entirety of metal within a cell or tissue/organ. We developed a system approach consisting of continuous-flow gel electrophoresis and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to identify metal-associated proteins at proteome-wide scale. We also integrate metalloproteomics with metabolomics and deep learning to examine multiple cellular changes to the numerous intracellular process affected. We subsequently use those identified proteins as targets for drug discovery. We finally show metallodrugs (e.g. bismuth-based drugs) have the potential against COVID-19 and antimicrobial resistance.

References: Nature Commun 2018, 9, 439; 2020, 11, 5263; 2021,12, 3331. Acc Chem Res 2019, 52, 216-227. Nature Mach Intell 2019, 1, 561-567. Nature Microbiol, 2020, 5, 1439-1448. PNAS, 2022, 119, e2119417119

个人简历:Dr. Guangyu Zhu is an Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong. Dr. Zhu’s research interest lies at the interface of chemistry and biology, focusing on anticancer drug development and mechanism. His current research projects include development of photoactivatable anticancer prodrugs, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel metal-based anticancer agents, and development of cancer-specific nanomedicine to conquer cisplatin resistance. His research work has been published in Nature series, Chem, JACS, Angew, PNAS, etc. Currently he is the Editorial Advisory Board member of the Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry and member of Asian Biological Inorganic Chemistry (AsBIC) Steering Committee.

报告题目:Controllable activation and delivery of platinum anticancer prodrugs

报告摘要:Despite the broad clinical applications of platinum-based anticancer drugs including cisplatin, their side effects and resistance issues have encouraged researchers to look for novel metal-based anticancer complexes. Non-traditional platinum compounds, especially Pt(IV) complexes, have been extensively studied, and they hold great promise to be further developed as the next-generation platinum drugs. Controllable activation of prodrugs within a tumor is particularly attractive because of their low damage to normal tissue. In this presentation, I will introduce the design, photoactivation mechanism, and antitumor activity of visible light-activatable Pt(IV) prodrugs. These small-molecule prodrugs have controllable activation properties and display superior antitumor activity both in vitro and in vivo. In addition, our recent progress in erythrocyte-delivered Pt(IV) prodrug and nanoprodrug for enhanced circulation will also be introduced. The controllable activation property and superior antitumor activity of these prodrugs may suggest a practical way to reduce the adverse effects and conquer drug resistance of traditional platinum chemotherapy.




2. 【聚合讲坛】中科院上海所唐勇院士:合成高分子材料发展的挑战与机会与机遇

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